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When you install a duct air conditioner, you must have a plan and follow the steps carefully. However, if you take your time, the installation may go right! So here are some things to remember when installing duct air conditioners.

Design a plan: Make sure to choose a suitable ducting system for the size and type of air conditioner you need. For example, a fan coil unit may be better than an inline unit if your room has a low ceiling height and limited space between walls.

When installing a duct air conditioner, choosing the right type of ducting system is essential. The size and location of your room will determine what kind of ducting you need.

In addition to choosing the appropriate size for each application (elevations above ground level), also consider where concerning other rooms in your home, this particular unit will be located:

  • Are there any nearby windows that might be susceptible to drafts?
  • Is there a high-traffic area near one side where condensation could cause damage over time?

These questions should help guide decisions about proper placement for these essential components within each space so that not only does air flow freely throughout but also so that nothing obstructs its flow, thereby reducing noise levels from blowing up around corners due to either pressure differences due to cold outside temperatures causing expansion/contraction issues between different materials like polyurethane foam insulation boards etcetera.

If your ceiling is too low, you must install an exhaust duct. The exhaust duct should be installed at 1.5 meters from the floor and should have an average size of 3 meters long. This can also be done by installing it on the wall and in the ceiling space above where AC units are being installed.

When choosing where to place your duct. First and foremost, it should be in a convenient location for you and your family. Make sure that all surfaces are smooth so insects don't build up over time; this will increase costs later on down the line when maintenance needs arise due, not only because it takes longer but also because bugs bite more brutally, which causes more damage than just falling onto drywall itself mainly if no ventilation exists nearby!

Finally, ensure enough space around each unit so air can flow freely through without getting trapped anywhere else nearby; this way, we won't end up burning out our filters unnecessarily!"

We hope that this article has been helpful to you and your air conditioning needs. We're sure you will be amazed by the difference duct air conditioners can make in your home!

Currently, Dienmaygiagoc is trading a duct air conditioners with the best prices on the market; we commit to:

  • 100% genuine product.
  • Genuine nationwide warranty.
  • Quick installation within a day.
  • Experienced technical staff.

See more products at: https://dienmaygiagoc.com.vn/en/duct-connected-air-conditioner.html

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Hotline: 0902 390 599 - 0898 477 699.