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Mitsubishi heavy-duty air conditioners with Jet Engine Technology save the highest power


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Mitsubishi Heavy is one of the most popular brands on the market today, and one of its notable features is the Jet Engine technology, which brings the wind flow. Powerful, quiet, and energy-efficient.

The Jet Engine is a unique technology based on the idea of "Jet Flow" and the capacity to calculate the dynamics of jet engine technology (CFD) in the construction of aircraft wings.

Jet Engine on air conditioners Mitsubishi Heavy:

- High energy efficiency in producing a large flow of air.

- Lowest power consumption.

Other notable benefits of Jet Engine technology

Install in the desired area

  • Users can use the remote control to alter the machine's left/right wind direction to maximize air cooling.

New airflow design

  • The spoiler's surface area has risen by 80% due to its new form and size.
  • The increased airflow volume also allows for better right and left airflow management.

Longer and stronger wind

  • Large living rooms and stores benefit from longer and farther airflow.